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School for Ministries Open Day: 24th August 2019

Greetings of peace and joy in the Lord’s name. Each year the School for Ministries hosts an Open Day at which there is a presentation on the Ordination Process. This presentation is designed to give information to help enable clergy and parish councils whether or not to recommend a parishioner to join FOX (Fellowship of Exploration) the following year, and to help prospective candidates decide whether or not to join FOX. Kindly note that attendance at the Open Day does not mean that the person has automatically joined FOX. This is a decision that may be taken later, at the recommendation of the Rector / PIC and Parish Council.

Anyone is welcome to attend, even just for the sake of curiosity. However, should a parishioner wish to attend the Open Day, we encourage the Rector / PIC or any member of the Parish Council to attend with them to gain insight into the process. We also encourage spouses to attend as the process will impact on them too.

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